UFO's, Aliens, and otherworldly strange and controlling influences are promoted and talked about most often, offering up wide world views and opinions. I have heard many such testimony and witness accounts on a free local, late night radio show, "Coast To Coast AM."
What is most interesting to me is the fact many such seekers actually set out to research and hope to document such spook in the night themes and schemes. That which one seeks one will eventually find. At least in one's own mind, that is. As the Devil is in the details of most all such Alien encounters. Keel wrote in Operation Trogan Horse (pg. 238): "Dabbling with UFOs can be as dangerous as dabbling with black magic."
Keel's views and opinions cojoined with conclusions made by J. Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallee who hypothesized that UFOs were not interplanetary visitation, but interdimensional in networking constructs. I am not the only one who has reached such conclusions:
Rejection of Extraterrestial hypothesis:
"Like contemporary 1960s researchers such as J. Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallée, Keel was initially hopeful that he could somehow validate the prevailing extraterrestrial visitation hypothesis. However, after one year of investigations, Keel concluded that the extraterrestrial hypothesis was untenable. Indeed, both Hynek and Vallée eventually arrived at a similar conclusion.
Within Keel's New Saucerian published 2016 book, Disneyland of the Gods, conclusions about extraterrestrials, otherworldly beings, poltergeists, Sasquatch, Men in Black etc., are deemed to stem forth from another dimension or vibrational frequency. The face of the Cosmic Trickster seems to phase in and out of our space, time, earth bound awareness.
Keel wrote:
I abandoned the extraterrestrial hypothesis in 1967 when my own field investigations disclosed an astonishing overlap between psychic phenomena and UFOs... The objects and apparitions do not necessarily originate on another planet and may not even exist as permanent constructions of matter. It is more likely that we see what we want to see and interpret such visions according to our contemporary beliefs" - (Wikipedia - retrieved 4-2-2024).
Propaganda by human consorts is at work much of the time, as Alien and high strangeness, space spook type books offer up high proceeds in financial return (www.techchronicity.com). Such record noted book returns confirm, Alien, spirit contact touting subject matter sells well, in turn helping to produce all manner of additional media and movie deals. Oftentimes surpassing even the author's wildest expectations. Whitney Strieber's best selling book, "Communion", and his many other alien implant abduction books and media productions, are one such successful case in point.
The aliens tormenting abductions were a concerted effort to get Strieber to change his beliefs and face his fears. Evidence In 2001, confirms they achieved their desired goals, as Strieber committed himself to self-publish a book titled: The Key, that served up a host of Antichrist indoctrinations.
As this proclaimed true story goes, Strieber confirmed that while on book tour for yet another one of his many books, Confirmation, he was visited in the early morning of June 6, 1998, at his Toronto hotel room by an unknown man. Whom Strieber titled the "Master of the Key". This Master and Strieber conversed for a time, discussing the Holocaust, climate change, the afterlife, psychic ability, UFO's, and using human souls in machines. The purpose of the provided wisdom by this Master, was to provide Strieber with a "new image of God." (Reference Source: Wikipedia, retrieved Jan. 12, 2022).
Temptation of Eve by way of a snake channel, started the process of such otherworldly contact in the beginning in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:15-16). As Solomon stated in Ecclesiastes 1:9, "There is no new thing under the Sun." Satan's occult lure temptation is always one of cunning deception. He and his demonic hordes marching, seed and feed humanities minds with all manner of false doctrines.
We are to test the spirits of all such contacts (1 John 4:1). For we know that it is a Spirit of God, when they confess that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, and is of God (1 John 4:2).
Desiring to know the unknowable, and to be as God, reminds me of the story of Job, in the bible. Job was a good man in God's sight, yet he lost home, possessions, family and health. Job questioned God, trying to understand "why all such sorrow and tribulation had happened to him?" (Job 38-42). Their talk ended with our Holy Father confirming, He was God, The Creator, who are you to question me? (Job 38:2-12).
The One True Master, Savior God, has shown us in his word, that such trials and tribulations can serve to develop character from within (Romans 5).
Character and integrity development by way of God's sovereign hand, is a very good thing. Unlike those who ever search the sky for supernatural signs and wonders, UFO's and Aliens alike. We who are born again walk by faith, not by sight. We lean on God's word, and the Holy Spirit's guidance, for He is our helper (John 14:15-18; 16:13).
Basking in His sovereignty, purpose, plan and providence, we are content, and at peace. Knowing, it is the peace of God, which passes all understanding that guards our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus our Lord - Philippians 4:7. For it is He who provided us a blessed hope and future (Jeremiah 29:11; John 3:17).